

La tormenta Agatha en Centroamérica . . . hay muertos en Guatemala y en El Salvador como consecuencia de las lluvias producidas por la tormenta tropical Agatha, la primera de la temporada. Cientos de personas ya han sido evacuadas en previsión de que se produzcan inundaciones. En Guatemala, los efectos devastadores de la tormenta se unen a los que desde el jueves está teniendo la erupción del volcán Pacaya.



Who is Synthia? What is she? The 99.999 per cent of us who are not brilliant geneticists are . . . following yesterday’s announcement that the controversial genius Dr Craig Venter has produced the first synthetic life-form. The answer is that, despite some of the wilder hype, Dr Venter has not created life itself, but a new man-made species. . . . .


TV Brasil inaugura Canal Internacional que inicia transmissões para África. A TV Brasil deu início nesta segunda-feira (24/05) às transmissões de seu canal internacional em solenidade no Palácio do Itamaraty, que contou com a participação do Presidente Lula, de ministros de Estado e membros do corpo diplomático. O canal internacional tem sinal disponível para 49 dos 53 países da África. 0 presidente de Moçambique, Armando Guebuza, fez uma saudação, gravada e transmitida pela TV Brasil Internacional, no início das transmissões do canal público brasileiro para o Continente Africano. O presidente Lula disse que é preciso acabar com o preconceito de que tudo que é privado é bom e o que é público é ruim, afirmando que “é possível fazer uma TV pública de qualidade, republicana, que não seja chapa branca nem seja oposição a priori, mas que tenha isenção nas reportagens.”



Les Champs-Elysées sont fermés à la circulation, et se métamorphoseront en paysage agricole et champêtre. Durant deux jours, la plus belle avenue du monde se mettra au vert et offrira une plongée au sein de la diversité des productions agricoles et forestières françaises. The Champs-Elysées ('Elysian Fields') is the thoroughfare that cuts through the heart of Paris and links one end of the city to the other.


Titan Robot

Titan Robot at the Royal Welsh Showground last Sunday was the greatest show «crowd puller» + «crowd pleaser» and «crown astonisher» that I have ever seen . . . anywhere . . . not in Europe, not is USA . . . . . DRAMATIC. We were all (1000's) spellbound.



Excellent weather forecast website for EU . . . clear graphics . . . info at a glance . . . everyone seems to say that it's the most accurate available at the present time; recommended by the friendly team at the Erwood Inn, Builth, LD2 3EZ, UK.


Pink Lady

5:01am UK, Saturday May 15, 2010
Aussie Teenager Completes Solo World Sail . . . David Williams, Sky News Online 16 year old Jessica Watson has a good official website and Google has a wealth of updates on this circumnavigation. Her sponsors, Ella Bache, seem to have done a fine job, especially spicey graphic design, "Pink Lady" !


Ping London

Boris Johnson: making London Ping Pong Central ! The Mayor of London, will turn the tables on China this summer by opening up the capital to one of Britain’s “lost” sports. Johnson, himself a master of spin and splice, teased the Chinese two years ago, when he was in Beijing to become the standard bearer for the 2012 London Olympics, by questioning the birthright of table tennis. He insisted the game was not Chinese but a descendant of whiff whaff, a game of the Victorian upper classes. This summer he launches the two-year run-up to the Games with a cultural Olympiad in London. It will have 100 ping pong tables set up at open-air landmarks in the capital for matches played by celebrities and artists.


Black Sea

Notable BLACK SEA OF CONCRETE exhibition.
Photos by Rafal Milach. Rafal has created a photo-collective, Sputnik Photos, together with 10 other Central Eastern European photographers, to document, promote, and spread knowledge on «transition-time» issues in CEE countries.



Volcanic Ash Update: the latest information from the Eyjafjallajokull volcano states that the plume is rising to between 3 and 5 km into the atmosphere. Scattered cloud obscures the peak of the volcano, but the plume is again spreading in a southeastwards direction, away from Iceland, towards the UK.
Issued at 1653 on Sat 01 May 2010. MET OFFICE EXETER.
I always like to double-check what our Met Office says with SAT24