
12 yr old brave girl !

Chilean Islanders nearly all saved by a 12-year-old girl ! She saved almost the entire population of a small island, 700km off the country's coast. The inhabitants of “Robinson Crusoe Island” were asleep as a massive tsunami approached, (triggered by the earthquake that hit the mainland). The coastal buildings were all smashed but most people survived. “ . . (from where she was – higher up). . . she apparently noticed the fishing boats (agitated by the receding water) . . and sprinted down to the town, where there is/was (had always been) a gong or bell to sound in case of emergencies such as fire . . . alarma de tsunami fue tocada cuando ola se acercaba . . . the whole coastal zone of the town has now been erased . . tsunami wave height over 40 metres . . some (slower) inhabitants swept out to sea. - Peter Hodum. [ precis and transcription of his radio report on BBC World Service].
(Robinson Crusoe, the larger island of the Juan Fernandez archipelago, did have signage about how evacuate (uphill) in case of tsunamis, but did not get the official warning in time.) . . . Que chica viva y rapida ! Increible !!

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