
Ici Radio France Londres . . . .

. . . le jour où la radio a croisé l’Histoire. De la résistance à la liberté… toutes les antennes de Radio France reviendront sur . . . la mémoire collective : arme de résistance, outil de combat politique, vecteur d’informations majeur dans les situations d’urgence…


U3A Hay

History of Hay-on-Wye, today, at U3A Hay, plus fine film (Peter Florence presentation) re Black Mountains, Wales, Craswell. [Bulls Head: must go back - it's now so good - returned to "how a pub should be" feel].


Paul Schultz

Sea Turtle Finds Lost Camera, Films Itself Swimming, Paul Schultz finds camera + finds owner, from Aruba, 1000 km away ? Youtube HERE, and Scuba report HERE.


Guardian Hay Festival 2010 ?

Mira ! ): por aqui . . . : : : 2010 Hay Festival >>>
Fotos . . .
(Yo tengo 300 mas).


Hispaniola Selenodon

The Solenodon, which is only found in the Dominican Republic and in one of the last forested patches of Haiti, is often described as a "living fossil", . . . . it has been around, unchanged, for the past 76 million years. Remarkably, this means it would have scuttled between the giant feet of the dinosaurs, when they roamed the Earth.
Continue reading the main story in Spanish: BBC MUNDO, and in English:: BBC News and new video.


Buena Vista Social Club

Buena Vista Social Club . . . at our Hay Festival last night . . . what a night ! Wish they could stay all week. I've some great photos: very fine and powerful performance with fabulous audience interaction, spectacular lighting, and Sky Arts TV filming that we'll see today ! [Wikepedia info link]. And invite Buena Vista Social Club to your city, town, or country ! + Sky TV link. Youtube latest to follow. Brecon Jazz Hay Festival link.


Sam LLewellyn

The Minimum Boat (new book): this quirky compilation brings together many of nautical thriller writer Sam Llewellyn's articles for Practical Boat Owner magazine (read by 200,000 a month). Owner of a traditional Drascombe Lugger, Llewellyn is an advocate of keeping sailing simple, and in this wonderful collection of nautical observations he promotes the minimalist boating lifestyle whilst poking gentle fun at the expensive, complicated, ostentatious forms of sailing. Laced with humour and tongue in cheek jibes, and illustrated throughout by cartoons from the inimitable Mike Peyton, this is the ideal bunkside read. Sam gave very good talk at The Hay Festival yesterday !