
Annie Lennox

Annie Lennox is the most successful female recording artist ever to come out of the UK. But she's never fitted the pop star stereotype . . . hear Annie in last night's HARDTALK (BBC World Service Radio), and see BBC video. Annie's website is one of the best (click first bold link above).


Beijing Auto Show

BEIJING--The 2010 Beijing International Automotive Exhibition that opens to the public on Tuesday will feature nearly 1,000 vehicles, about 10 percent of which are in the eco-friendly class.
以“畅想绿色未来”为主题的2010(第十一届)北京国际汽车展览会(Auto China 2010)将于2010年4月25日—5月2日在北京中国国际展览中心隆重举行。..[详细]
[展会新闻] 福田欧马可C 280车展全球上市 售10-20万 [2010-4-24]
[展会新闻] 世爵第二代超级跑车C8 Aileron亚太首发 [2010-4-24]
[行业报道] BMW混动7系和BMW高效混合动力X6在中国上市 [2010-4-24]
[展会新闻] 欧洲时尚高性能小生POLO GTI登陆车展 [2010-4-24]


Mourning the Yushu quake victims

China: national day of mourning for the Yushu earthquake victims . . . and storms now sweep the stricken region, hitting aid supplies as the death toll reaches 2,064



This happened before in the Bronze Age, and when Turner painted those sunsets; volcanic global chaos continues ? . . . and another little-ice-age next ? See epic movie « The Day After Tomorrow ».


Ayuda !

Reino Unido pide ayuda a España para sus viajeros . . .

Kaczynski Farewell

Sad crowds gathered in Krakow yesterday for the funeral of President Lech Kaczynski. Referring to the recent improvement in relations between Russia and Poland . . . the cardinal welcomed President Dimitry Medvedev who was attending the service, and hoped the tragedy could be a force for “rapprochement and reconciliation". Medvedev told reporters at St Mary’s Basilica: “The tragedy that occurred near Smolensk has not left anyone indifferent. In Russia it has sparked strong emotions." He stressed that this tragedy has to lead to a closer Polish-Russian relationship.



Always useful URL, but especially now, when our friends from Europe and USA cannot visit our ash-clouded part of the planet: Sat24

Imaxes de Hoy

Meteo Galicia: Europa - Atlantico . . . mira !


Van Gogh

Final weeks update:
Owing to exceptional demand, queues of over 3 hours are currently occurring. On busy days, queuing closes from mid-afternoon onwards to ensure that people do not queue without a chance of getting into this RA VAN GOGH Exhibition. Advance tickets via the RA website have now sold out.
But «RA Friends» go free. Avoid queues by becoming a Friend of the RA, and enjoy unlimited visits to the exhibition.
Find out more . . .


BBC Le Clezio

Just listen to lovely Harriett Gilbert (and readers) talking to French Nobel Laureate J M G Le Clezio about his dazzling bestseller «Desert» *. The early twentieth century journeyings of a young Tuareg, and his threatened family, are hauntingly interwoven with those of the symbolic desert orphan, Lalla . . . contrasting the wonders of this part-lost African culture with the traumas of unwanted immigrants in Europe, «Desert» is a rich, poetic and provocative epic. *[now translated into 24 languages] (JMG Le C is my absolutely number one writer of all time - PW)


Open Video Formats !

Mira ! See here:



Father of the PC

Microsoft founders have been leading tributes to Dr Henry Edward Roberts who was the inventor of the Altair 8800, a machine that sparked our home computer era. Bill Gates contacted Dr Roberts after seeing the machine on the front cover of a magazine and offered to write software for it !